viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

Meeting March 26, 2010

Next meeting Friday May 28, 2010
Old Business

GAD Gabber: Last GAD Gabber was put out in 2009. A theme for a new newsletter was discussed and decided upon. The next gabber will be focused on the history of women in Paraguay. Nathan is responsible for writing an article related to the sisters who appear on the new 2 mil bill. It will include a description of the current GAD in our sites activity. Hannah will poll volunteers and include quotes relating to women's history in Paraguay.

Manual: A rough draft will be prepared for the next meeting by Nathan. Still waiting on a submission by Jose Luis.

Camp: Camp was a huge success! It was held February 18-21 in Tati Jupi. Projects related to camp were reviewed at the meeting. It was suggested that we continue to use the same theme of service learning for future camps. Also that private transportation be arranged with one of the bus companies for the return trip. There was extra money due to an abundance of donations. However t-shirts had been improperly priced. Money will be returned to both GAD and NVAC.

GAD in our sites: Last time we did activities related to Dia de la Mujer Internacional y Paraguayo. The next activity will be for Dia de la Madre on May 15. Volunteers should help their youth groups or other organizations to host a lunch for their mothers or do pedicures, etc.

New Business:

Contact from GAD in Morocco and Vanuatu: we received information from both these GAD groups, including their newsletters. It was suggested that we send both groups a copy of our GAD Gabber once it has been completed.

Elections: Due to low participation in this month's meeting, elections have been postponed. Interest has been expressed by both Nancy Franke and David Schmitz for the office of president. Alyssa Bechtold has expressed interest in being the secretary and Barbara Dean treasurer. If anyone has interest in any of these positions they should send an email to

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