viernes, 13 de junio de 2008


Next meeting: Friday, July 25th @ 3 PM @ the PCO


- T-shirt design contest – bring shirt designs to next meeting

- Get involved with the current GAD-In-Our-Sites activity (remember you can put a twist):

Facilitate the ¨24-Hour Clock¨ with men and women in your community

Stay tuned for more info from Kaitlin to be posted on this blog.

- Please submit GAD Gabber newsletter articles, blurbs, or anything you want to share about your work/ideas on gender & development in PY by the end of June – Editors Rosana and Lauren are accepting hard copies in their PCO mailboxes or electronic files via email (they will be sending out their contact info to the GAD list-serv).

- Submit your GAD articles to the Kuat by July 12!

- Donate Auction items to Sarah Fouts’ desk, if you're COS-ing or just plain generos@

- GAD Camp facilitators - pick up group camp photo participant copies from Fouts' desk

New Officers Elected

- Let’s give it up for-

Lara Gamble, G-23, President

Gariety Pruitt, G-23, Secretary

Marin Palmer, G-25, Treasurer

This meeting:

We had an awesome turnout of freshly sworn-in G-26ers and gave a little overview of what GAD is all about-(see sidebar blurb for a refresher)

GAD Gabber (biannual newsletter to all PCVs)

- Co-editors: Rosana and Lauren
- Biannual – Issues printed in July/December
- Please submit articles, blurbs, anything you want to share about your work or ideas on gender & development in Paraguay by the end of June – Editors are accepting hard copies in their PCO mailboxes or electronic files via email.

Kuat (we have our own section)

- A new idea is to submit meeting minutes a la NVAC – Jen will submit these minutes and Gariety will take over this responsibility
- Submit your GAD articles by July 12!

GAD Manual (resource tailored to PCVs working with communities on GAD issues)

- There is now a completed draft of the GAD Binder in the Coordinator’s office for all your PCO general GAD resource needs
- To create a more Volunteer-site-friendly version, we have the GAD Manual Committee – Kaitlin, Joan, Carlos, Marin, with Sarah’s help ikatu

PATF scholarship (technical training and financial aid for young Paraguayan women)

- New Committee – Rosana, Lara, Lorien, Lauren M., Chris, Amy Lang, Sarah F.
- They met on June 9th, gearing up for the second workshop for this year’s scholarship recipients
- Look out for next year’s scholarship application info in November por ahí

Auction (to be held at Thanksgiving)

- It can still happen. Jen will email G-21 to donate items but anyone is welcome to donate items. Drop them off at Sarah's desk in the Coordinator's office
- Allison – committee head

- Brian – advertising aka charla paper man

More products

- T-shirt design contest – work those creative músculos, bring shirt designs to next meeting
- Rings are another possibility – but we are going to focus on one at a time

Jopara committee (dedicated to providing resources on diversity issues to PCVs)

- Committee – Brian, Katrena, Joan, Rosana, Kaitlin, Lara, Lauren
- Will be preparing a diversity charla for PCVs with Paraguayan presenter(s)
- Recommended PC staff contacts – Gloria Aquino, Josefina

GAD-In-Our-Sites Share Sesh:

- Our first ever GAD-In-Our-Sites activity resulted in un éxito total! For those who haven’t heard about this, the project in a nutshell was to organize an essay contest on a gender & development topic for students in site. A bunch of PCVs did the activity over the 2 months between GAD meetings and shared experiences and results at this last meeting.
- General results and observations: For a lot of PYan students used to the route memorization learning method, a critical thinking essay contest equaled uncharted territory. But in the end, it was a great forum to express themselves and their views on gender in family, community and national contexts.

GAD-In-Our-Sites Ahorita: 24-Hour Clock

- What’s a great way to get more involved in GAD without ODing on Asunción? Try the GAD-In-Our-Sites activity: Facilitate the ¨24-Hour Clock¨ with men and women in your community
Stay tuned for Kaitlin’s guide – to be posted – but basically, it’s having people recount and analyze their daily activities
Not that interested in facilitating the activity straight-up? Then put a twist to it, he’i Fouts.

Treasurer’s Report – 896.000 Gs

Project Spotlight: Secretaria de la Mujer

- Orlando did an encore presentation of the project of creating the office of the Secretaría de la Mujer in the Municipalidad of J. O’Leary – he is doing this in colaboration with Nathan, G-26 and Christina, G-24
- What does the Sec. de la Mujer do? Supports women with the justice process and other aspects of domestic violence; promotes broader gender and development work
- Recommended PC staff contact – Josefina
- PC Contact at Sec. De la Mujer - Jacqueline
- There’s an existing request for Orlando to give GAD a write-up to help those who want to get the Sec. de la Mujer in their communities

Officer Elections

- Jajotopata outgoing GAD officers Joan Dudney, Orlando Vélez y Jen Cheng. Bienvenidos Lara Gamble, Gariety Pruitt y Marin Palmer! Life goes on.

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