miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2008

Meeting Minuets ¤ July 25, 2008

Hello fellow GADers,

First I must apologize for the delay this month with the posting of the minutes, I had planned to get them up a week or so ago, but the power went out up here and there was no way to get them to you sooner.

GAD a Glance:

NEXT MEETING: Friday September 19th at 3:00pm, Upstairs Conference Room-PCO

GAD-in-our-SITES: Boy’s Manual Questionnaire (for more info see below)

The new ’08-‘09 Officers are:
President: Lara Gamble 0971-101-734
Secretary: Gariety Pruitt 0971-308-352
Treasurer: Marin Palmer 0982-986-214
*Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions, suggestions or ideas!

PAFT: We have received a very generous donation to the Beca fund. An RPCV who served here in Paraguay and former GADer, Katie Cook and her church raised $4,000 for the scholarship program. We want to thank them for their amazing contribution to this project. The money will be used to support the leadership and technical tallers throughout the year. Thank you again, Katie for all your hard work and dedication.

Hope to see you at the next meeting,

Gariety “Gabi”
GAD Secretary

¤ This meeting:

Intros & Icebreaker:
-Welcome new faces, especially those joining us from G26

-This Year’s Deadline for the Beca Applications will be Novermber 30th.
-As of this year, 10% of the scholarships will be available for young men.
-The “solicitude” has been revised for this year’s applicants, it will be available as soon as we receive approval from Washington for the partnership program.
-Gad members requested that materials be available in English to help us reach our financial obligations:
-The PAFT committee will be preparing material in both Spanish and English and we will get a stock email formatted as soon as we can for you all to send to your friends and family back home, as well as other organizations you feel might contribute to our cause. They will include clearer instructions on how to donate as well info concerning the scholarship program in general.

-The minutes will be submitted to the Kuat as always
-The GADGabber, brought to you by Rosana and Lauren, should be in your boxes soon. At the meeting they were working out the submissions a bit and were going to work on it over the following weekend. Thanks you two!

GAD Manuel:

-We have a DRAFT; it is in Sarah’s office waiting for you to check it out!
-It will be/should be posted to Sharepoint for you in-site convenience as well

-Next Activity: Boy’s Manuel Questionnaire
-Several GAD members have gotten together and want to make a manual similar to Como Planear mi Vida, specifically targeted at young men here in Paraguay. To find out more about what topics should be included they have devised a survey/questionnaire (also available on sharepoint)
*Please include the age of the guys you interview so we can put their responses in context of their age group

-Last Activity: 24hr clock. Not too many people attempted this activity between meetings, but it is a great one to try at any time in your site.

Sec&Tres Reports:
-I have a jump-drive full of GAD document from years past and will be organizing them and cross referencing them with Sharepoint to make sure everything is organized and accessible
-I want to make the blog more useful
-I’ll be doing GAD welcome letters for incoming Gs

-Funds: 897.600Gs
-We did well on fundraising, but still want to do more, have enough for T-shirts if we want them.


-PAFT: $10,000 is our financial obligation through the Peace Corps Partnership Program: goes directly to scholarships. Katie’s Donation will not be used to jump-start our fundraising; it will be applied elsewhere.

-Auction: At Thanksgiving, auction off COSing PCVs’ stuff
-Mass email should go out, as well as an announcement made at the G22 COS conference (Allison)
-There are “cute palinganas” in which to deposit auction items in the Coordinator’s office, by Sarah’s desk. There will also be a Journal or Log to note the items to be auctioned off to keep track of what is left to us.

-We need to form the Committee for this year’s GAD Youth Leadership Camp
-Gariety, Melissa, Chantelle, David, Nathan (maybe Rosana and Kaitlin)
-Meeting set for Tuesday afternoon at 4 in the PCO: it happened Tuesday afternoon and we are off to a great start! If you are interested or want more info on our camp, contact Gariety or any of the GAD officers.

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